The location of Arnor in Midde-Earth, with the divided regions of Arthedain, Rhudaur and Cardolan
After the battle of the Last Alliance, Middle Earth
enjoyed a thousand years of peace with the defeat of Sauron and loss of the One
Ring at the hands of Isildur, the Kingdom of Arnor, home to the heirs of
Isildur was divided into three regions, Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur.
Dunedain Rebellion |
The Men of Arnor |
As the Men of the North face civil strife, evil began to act in Angmar, the frozen land in to the north of Arnor, home to the Black Numenorians. Among these men, a sorcerer of great power arose, known as the Witch-King. He has taken up his Iron Crown to unite Angmar and lay waste to the North Kingdom of Man.
The Witch-King begins his campaign |
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